
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Week 29!

We have arrived: Week 29!

After an absolutely wonderful Christmas, and for the first time - probably ever - I was not sad to see the holiday season go. Although we both think about the baby pretty much non-stop, Casey and I have been waiting until after the holidays to really begin preparing for her arrival.

Now that the holidays are behind us, it's full steam ahead on the baby front, and I couldn't be more thrilled!

We did have a lovely Christmas. We had the families over to celebrate on Christmas eve. I cooked (yes, I can still do that!) a spread that turned out quite yummy, if I do say so myself. Even if I kind of recycled the menu from our annual Christmas party... Whatever, I get to cheat a little this year.

Making the mashed potatoes... yummm!

Pretty Christmas table.

Auntie Kelsey showing off the beautiful new rocking chair we are so grateful for!

The fam!

We also forewent the tradition of gifts this year; between finishing the basement and preparing for Baby Girl, Casey and I figured we've been about as blessed as any two people can possibly be!

We didn't get any gifts, but Santa couldn't resist those cute doggie faces.

I think the dogs liked their presents!

I also had my glucose tolerance test this week... ick. I was extremely lucky, because Casey took the morning off to go with me to the doctor. When we arrived, we went directly to the laboratory to retrieve my absolutely fabulous, sugary drink. It was bright pink, and I'm pretty sure they inteded it to be some kind of fruit punch, although it tasted more like sugary pepto-bismol. Delish!

After I drank that, I had my doctors appointment, and everything still looks great. We have been upgraded to twice a month appointments since it's now 3rd trimester, but Mommy and Baby both look very healthy.

Then, it was back to the lab to actually have the blood drawn. Usually, I really hate this part because the techs have a difficult time finding my vein, so they often have to stick me three or four times before they can get anything. Fortunately, though, the tech was good and was able to get me on the first try - which was a huge relief. Casey was awesome, and held my hand and tried to distract me during the (fortunately quick) process. I know it's silly, but I hate having blood drawn! It was worth it, though, because both the glucose and iron tests came back in great shape.

All in all, so much to be grateful for this holiday season. Between the Nutcracker, the Parade of Lights, the Broncos and Avalanche games, the holiday parties and awesome visits with friends and family, not to mention finishing our basement, it has been a jam-packed holiday season. We feel blessed!!

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