
Sunday, January 31, 2010

A little of this, a little of that...

A lot of people have been asking us recently what we've decided to name her. I suppose Baby Girl can't last forever...

Yes, we have (I think) decided on a name.

No, we are not going to reveal it until she is born.

The reasoning behind this is twofold: 1) This is the last surprise we get! We found out gender; we've shared every piece of this along the way. Besides, some things are better kept a surprise! 2) Just in case we change our minds once we meet her. I don't want to announce her name only to have to change it when I see her little face.

Amazingly, baby-naming has been one of the easiest things we've done. When we got Brody, we went back and forth about names for weeks before deciding, and he's just a dog!

Casey adamantly refused to have the names discussion with me until we found out her gender. Being me, I found this horrifyingly difficult... I kept asking and asking what he thought of different names, and every time he just as stubbornly refused to talk with me about it!

The weekend we found out we were expecting a girl, we both searched high and low - separately - and put together our "Top Ten list" of little girls' names. When we came back together, we discovered that the same name topped both our lists... so that pretty much decided it!

Somehow, choosing a middle name was just as easy. By the end of the week after the big gender-reveal, we had settled on a name, and it has been that way in my mind ever since.

I highly doubt that it will change - I always hear that baby just becomes her name, right? Plus, it has been fun for the past nearly 14 weeks to call her by her name. Casey has slipped a few times and announced it, but fortunately no one seems to have figured it out!

Lastly, because I can't refuse, here is the tiniest teaser for our nursery, which is now very, very close to being finished and decorated.

Her clothes are clean and put away! Not only that, but her dresser is almost completely full!!

Can baby things be any cuter?

Ever-expanding closet. Now all we're waiting for is the guest of honor...

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! I don't think you should share the name, we didn't, and it made her birth so much more special. You look FABULOUS (I am totally jealous that you didn't get stretch marks)! Enjoy these last few weeks together. Go out to eat more than you normally would. Make a point to enjoy snuggling together. Trust me, your time together will become sparse in just a few weeks time. We are so excited for you guys!
