
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Same dogs, new tricks

This... what happens to doggie toys in our house approximately three weeks after being purchased.
Brody and Eva are not exactly the most gentle on their toys. To put this in some perspective, these, used to be... the new toys Santa brought them for Christmas. The little one used to be a tennis ball connected to not one, but four additional "legs." Now, well, you can see what has happend!

Casey and I had a nice weekend. We had a very nice dinner on Friday - which kind of broke our New Year's resolution to be more frugal and wise about our spending since we have such important things to plan for. But it was still fun, and totally worth it!

This little indulgence was followed by another... Dairy Queen! Since we'd already caved, we decided that we might as well do it thoroughly! I asked for a small dipped cone, and came away with the biggest one I have ever seen. It was awesome, and took me about a half an hour to actually finish.

We spent most of the weekend fixing up the little girl's room. Casey painted her chest of drawers/changing table, which I am SO excited to see completed!

I'm getting very anxious and excited to see it all come together! Not to mention, I'm definitely beginning to feel the time crunch. Two months to go! It certainly doesn't seem like a lot, especially considering all that there is left to do. I don't think I can imagine a more important or special pay-off at the end of all our hard work!

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