
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby Things

With the baby shower only a week away, here are a few more clues before we actually reveal:

Clue #1:

Okay, so there's really no mystery here. It's a blanket, crochetted by my favorite former-teacher, who was also the officiant at our wedding. I absolutely treasure it, but how does it fit in???
Clue #2:

Clue #3:

I am getting so excited! My mom came up on Friday to see the nursery and help me finish it off. I'm waiting on a couple of things that I ordered off the internet to arrive, and once those get here, it is complete!

It really is my favorite room in the house. I so appreciate the time, love and care that Casey put into creating it. Like so many things in our lives, I love that it is the culmination of both our unique sets of ideas and talents; in other words, neither of us could have done it without the other. That's such a microcosm for our lives, and very, VERY appropriate for the little miracle we're awaiting!!

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