
Friday, March 5, 2010

Wanna have a baby?

March 10, 2010 the best day EVER!!!!
Why, you ask?
Because that is the day we will welcome our daughter into the world!!!
Yes, it is a bit different than the way we had planned. Baby is still breeched (despite our best efforts - more to come on that later), so we have scheduled a C-section. We will meet the sweet little pumpkin next Wednesday - in 5 days! WOW!
It is an extremely odd feeling, knowing when she will be here. She will be exactly one week early, born at 39 weeks.
I am absolutely elated. I have completely come to terms with the c-section idea; it's certainly not ideal, but however she gets here, Casey and I know that we are hugely blessed and grateful to have her.
I get to be a mommy in 5 days!!!


  1. YAY! I am excited for you. I am bummed for you that she is still breached, but it really will not matter two weeks from now. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    PS- Go on a date EVERY night between now and then- trust me!

  2. this post gave me chills! I am so anxious for you and to meet your little one, brings back memories! I am sorry she is breached and things are not going the way you envisioned, but it seems like you have a great outlook and positive attitude about it :) You will be in my thoughts over the next couple of days! And I second Beth, go on lots of dates over the next few days!! Those will be some of your favorite memories together!
