Sunday, April 25, 2010
A matter of perspective
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Obladi, Oblada

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Train of thoughts...

We went to (the very fancy!) Red Robin, mostly because we weren't sure how Leah would do, so we wanted a restaurant that is family friendly. I shouldn't have been worried; she did beautifully!
Leah and I also attended the baby shower of one of my oldest friends. It is neat - and only slightly surreal - to watch my friends and classmates (in this case, someone I have known since I was 5!) getting married and having children! And it is so cool to be on this end of it; bringing my own daughter to the baby shower of another. WOW!
Not to mention: bizzare to think that I was in her position only a handful of weeks ago! In fact, just over a month ago, we were here...
... and we didn't even know the beautiful little girl who has changed our lives so completely!
Although I think I have expressed it many times in many different ways, I don't know that I have ever said (or, in this case, typed it) outloud. It hit me again today on the way home from the baby shower:
I am, without doubt, the happiest I have ever been. My life is SO blessed, because I literally have everything I have ever dreamed of - and probably a good many things I was too young and naiive to be concerned with dreaming about.
I thank God every day for my incredible husband, who makes all my dreams come true, and our beautiful, healthy daughter. I know for certain that I have neither earned nor deserve either of these amazing gifts!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
All the things I "do-do"
My "do-do" list for Tuesday, April 13th:
Hours of sleep: 4 (ish?)
*Fed the baby
*Changed a diaper
*Got Leah dressed, including washing her face
*Got myself dressed (not showered)
*Made breakfast for myself (hardboiled egg and a half a grapefruit)
*Entertained the baby by watching Sesame Street while making faces and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star along with the muppets
*Let the dogs out
*Changed a diaper
*Fed the baby
*Put Leah down for a nap
*Folded and put away a basket of laundry
*Folded a basket of laundry (without putting it away)
*Wrote a lesson plan, because eventually I do have to go back to work :(
*Checked my e-mail
*Changed a diaper
*Changed a diaper again when Leah immediately pooped in the clean one
*Fed the baby
*Went to Babies-R-Us (a successful trip out of the house on our own! WOOHOO!!!!)
*Brought Leah inside
*Brought the shopping spoils inside (a Boppy and cover for a baby shower on Saturday; nursing pads for me)
*Let the dogs in
*Fixed lunch for me (and kept my fingers crossed Leah would stay happy long enough for me to eat... today, she did!)
*Played with the baby (Mommy keeps trying desperately for a real smile... she's just toying with me at this point.)
*Took some video of her when she was particularly cute
*Let the dogs out and in again
*Changed a diaper
*Fed the baby
*Napped on the couch with Leah (BLISS!)
*Kissed my husband when he got home from work
*Watched the last 20 minutes of "Sherlock Holmes," which we started two days ago
*Fed the baby
*Fixed dinner (Fetuccini alfredo - from scratch! - garlic bread and carrots)
*Traded off tending to Leah and eating dinner
*Fed the baby
*Got Leah ready for bed, but decided she wasn't quite ready to go down
*Played with my husband and the baby
*Put Leah to bed (consists of laying her on my stomach so I can cuddle her and rub her back while Casey reads "Harry Potter")
*Washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen
*Made Casey's lunch
*Started a load of laundry (with no intention of folding it or puting it away)
*Watched "Lost" with my husband
*Wrote this blog instead of showering... hmmm...
*About to go up and feed/change the baby (in some order or another)
Turns out, there are a few things that I "do-do."
Not to be confused with doo doo. (Although there is plenty of that in my life right now, too!)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
This sign went up recently in the open space behind our house. Now, I know that there are coyotes in the open space; I have often heard their cool-but-erie cries, although I have never seen one myself.
But when I saw this sign for the first time - unfortunately, while taking Leah for a walk in the stroller - it gave me pause. Should I take my baby on a path where coyotes might be lurking? As I read the "if a coyote approaches you" section, I envisioned myself doing each of these things as I desperately tried to protect Leah from a coyote that had somehow become the size of a grizzly bear with a taste for human flesh.
It was a few minutes before it occurred to me that I have run this path literally hundreds of times on my own and with the dogs, and have never seen anything more threatening than a bunch of birds, let alone a genetically mutated, oversized, flesh-eating coyote.
It is interesting, though, how having a baby changes your perspective.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The first month

Monday, April 5, 2010
We are still under house-arrest per the doctor since Leah hasn't even hit the one month mark yet, but we still managed to have a nice first Easter at home.
Leah enjoyed her very first Easter basket.
...or possibly she was deeply suspicious of it. She did grab on all by herself, so I'll take that as a good sign!
I got up early (7:30, which is the equivalent of 5am when you have a newborn!) and made our traditional holiday breakfast - a yummy mix of hashbrowns, eggs, sausage and cheese done up, casserole-style. Casey was particularly excited; usually, I only make this for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Then, it was time to dig into the Easter goodies!
Leah and Daddy
Checking out her first Easter card...
...I think she likes it!
The rest of the day was a bit more dicey. Unfortunately, Leah had one of those days where she really didn't want to do anything but eat and sleep.
She didn't want to take a walk...
Didn't want to hang with Daddy...
Didn't want to take family pictures...
It was a pretty mello day, and one that reminded us that we are definitely still on Leah time!
But we did finally manage to get a few good photos of the day, and - no matter how difficult a day is - we were also reminded of just how lucky we are to have such a wonderful family to begin with. It wasn't exactly the picture-perfect first Easter I had envisioned, but I am grateful to have my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter to celebrate it with!