
Sunday, April 25, 2010

A matter of perspective

*Just because I can't remember the answers to Jeopardy questions I should know...

*Just because I can't focus on more than one thing at any given time, when I used to be the queen of multitasking...

*Just because I can't carry on a conversation about things that aren't baby-related...

*Just because I've put clothes and detergent in the washing machine without actually starting it (at least three times recently, no less)...

*Just because I reheated my coffee, and then proceeded to leave it in the microwave all day...
*Just because I was looking for the diaper bag the other day, only to discover that I was already holding it...

*Just because words and names seem to be randomly missing from my vocabulary...

*Just because I can no longer remember if I actually did something, or just thought about doing it...

...Just because I do all of these things doesn't mean I'm forgetful since having a baby!

I'm functionally challenged!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I hate to say that it probably won't get any better any time soon. Charlie turns 1 next month and I'm still as "functionally challenged" as ever! I'll cross my fingers that it won't last that long for you.
