
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Goin' to the Zoo

Things to have when going to the zoo:
1. A cute, summer dress, purchased especially for a trip to the zoo
2. A hat
3. Lots of sunscreen
4. Water, water, water
5. A comfy stroller, perfect for napping!

Our first trip to the zoo was a ton of fun, although it wasn't exactly a rousing success.
Leah got to see a few things...
She was VERY cute in the parking lot.

She saw a few big cats.

She discovered that she is not as tall as a polar bear.

We tried to show her the elephants...

And the gorillas...

But she was more interested in...


Really, when you're two and a half months old, a trip to the zoo is more for the parents than the child. Leah was a trooper, especially considering that were a LOT of new experiences for her, and it is reassuring to us as parents that we can still get out and do these things.

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