
Monday, May 10, 2010

Time Flies

This little lady...

is two months old!

Yes, Leah is quite an incredible little pumpkin. Daddy and I are amazed daily by how much she grows, both mentally and physically.

At two months, Leah:
*Loves to lay on her tummy, especially on the Boppy

*Rolls over quite regularly from her tummy to her back, and occasionally from her back to her tummy.

*Absolutely loves bath time (as do her parents!)

*Smiles often - especially on the changing table - but usually just for mommy and daddy.

*Has no trouble taking the bottle.

*(Thankfully!) has a good bed-time routine that includes eating, laying on mommy's tummy while Daddy reads her to sleep.

*"Stands" on her own - although she can't balance, she loves to support her own weight.

*Has graduated from the newborn diapers into size 1.

*Wears 0-3 or 3 month clothes - except her pants, which she still fits into the newborns (mostly). She got her mommy's short, stocky legs.

*Still has the hiccups every day.

*Does well on outings, but cries every time we get in the car.

*Favorite song: "All American Girl" by Carrie Underwood.

*Favorite book: "The Cat in the Hat"

*Watches "The Wiggles" intently

*Loves to dance, especially to Elton John and The Beach Boys, or just about anything on "Dancing with the Stars."

*Has learned to "crawl" out of her boppy by pushing herself with her legs. She can't quite hold herself up on her arms, but last week, she moved herself from the foot of the bed all the way to where daddy was sitting at the head of the bed. WOW!!!

We can't believe how fast these two months have gone, and how much we continue to grow in love for our sweet baby girl!!

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