
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good things come in threes

Today, our sweet little pumpkin is 3 months old.

A few things about Leah at three months:

We now get *TONS* of smiles, especially in the morning.

My favorite smiles are the ones where she smiles and scrunches up her shoulders as if to say, "I know I'm just too darn cute!"

She hasn't really laughed since the "Sweat drips down my balls" incident, but I feel she is constantly on the verge of it these days.

She has been putting her chin to her chest and trying to sit up for about a week. She loves it when we help her sit up.

She also adores standing - which is mildly terrifying to her mother!

She still has a great bedtime routine and will sleep about 5 hours in her crib before waking and coming into Mommy and Daddy's room.

Her naps are getting to be more consistent, although not always in her crib

She now enjoys the time spent in her bouncer (especially if she can "talk" to her friends!)

When I hold her, her favorite position is lying diagonally in my arms, especially if she can suck on my arm while she's at it.

She loves to get kisses, and will turn her big, wide-open mouth to me when I tell her I'm coming to give her kisses. (sooo cute!)

She is now a constant drool factory... Daddy always says she's left the faucet on.
She does wonderfully on her play mat.

She still has no hair, at least on the top of her head... and if she is anything like her mother, she probably won't for a while!

She has taken to trying to shove both hands in her mouth (at the same time!)

She will swat at and investigate toys hanging in front of her, although she doesn't often grasp them yet.

She still hates the car, but loves to go on outings.

She has been going through a pretty "mommy-only" phase of life, which I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it is amazing to me to know that I can (and do) comfort my daughter! She often smiles when she hears my voice from another room, and I can, with very few exceptions, calm her when she is upset. On the other hand... I'd certainly like her to share the love!

Casey and I feel so lucky to have this sweet, funny, strong, content little lady in our lives. It is a joyful and amazing adventure to be her parents, and we enjoy every minute of it!!

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