
Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Darling Daughter

To my darling baby on her six month birthday,

On this day six months ago, I awoke knowing that the day I had in store would be the most life-changing, blessed, and wonderous day... possibly of my entire life. 

And I wasn't wrong.  I will never forget how it felt to hear your sweet cry for the first time, or to see your beautiful, bright pink face.  Or the look on your daddy's face when he locked eyes with you as you came out.  I will never forget the way I laid in that hospital bed with sunshine streaming in the windows and a view of the mountains that I never really saw because my eyes were too busy tracing your face and counting your tiny fingers again and again. 

Six months later, though, I have to admit that I am even more smitten with you than I was that very first day.  It has been the most amazing journey, this thing called motherhood.  You have altered me to the very core of my being, and I am infinitely better as a result.

I can't believe how fast these past six months have flown by!  Nor can I believe how much you have changed in six short months.  From that tiny, helpless baby we met just yesterday - or so it seems - you have grown into the most incredible little girl.  A little girl whose sense of humor delights us, whose strength amazes us, whose tenacity humbles us, and whose very presence brings us to our knees with gratitude. 

I cherish every day, and I love you, love you, love you, my sweet little girl.

P.S. - I know you don't remember it, but we made a deal that you would stay little forever.  So far, you're not holding up your end of the bargain very well.  Work on that, okay?

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