
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Girl Talk

Today, I'm grateful for...


For a variety of reasons, I haven't seen my dear friend Jessica for several weeks.  Today, we got together for coffee and a little shopping, and it reminded me that I am so lucky to have her! 

I seriously love this lady.  She's there for that much needed girl talk, she always gives great advice,  and we just plain have fun together.  Plus, she keeps me from shoplifting by putting items in the stroller while browsing and completely forgetting they're there (yes, I have done this on more than one occassion, and it probably won't be the last time.  No, I have never actually accidentally stolen anything - thankfully!).  Girlfriends are the best!

And... for the sake of posterity and documentation, she is getting quite a little belly!  Just about to enter her second trimester, that baby is growing big and strong!  I can't wait to share life's next - and biggest - adventure with her!

1 comment:

  1. How lucky you are! I heart best friends, we are so lucky to have girls like these in our lives :) PS Leah looks adorable in that pic!
