
Saturday, January 8, 2011


Things I love: 2011 Edition

1. Our awesome car, which gets us safely through the snow and weather of Colorado. (Just because we haven't actually had any snow and typical Colorado weather doesn't mean I'm any less grateful for the car!)

2. Happy Puffs - organic, yummy (for babies and daddies), and pure Big Girl food.  And they're organic.  I mentioned that, right? 

3. Veggie Tales.  Who can resist signing, dancing, lesson-teaching vegetables?  Plus, it's a nice break from The Wiggles (seriously - I've listened to "Fruit Salad, Yummy, Yummy" more times than I can possibly count).

4. Music, Together!  Leah began taking this class this week, and I can't wait to see where she goes with it.  We love to sing and dance at home, and she is has become such a little music lover.  I think it will be a perfect fit!

5. My job.  I love my job.  I have great co-workers, I can't say enough good things about my wonderful school, and the kiddos are absolutely awesome.  I adore teaching; it is without doubt the thing I was meant to do... after being a mommy, that is.  In some ways, it's almost a shame I work at this great school at this point in my life, because it would be the perfect job for me if I didn't have something that eclipses anything else waiting at home. 

6. Baby BOY Churnside!  Yes, Jessica and Andrew are having a boy, God bless them.  I can't wait for May to meet the Churnsides' newest addition!

7.  Planning, planning, planning for a little girl's first birthday, and a best friend's baby shower.  Blessed?  Yep.

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