
Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Penultimate Post

11 Months!

I was doing so well.  I'm looking forward to the future.  Hearing that precious baby giggle become a little girl's laugh.  Listening attentively as her incomprehensible babbles become words, sentences, and civilized expression.  Watching as her tentative wobbles become first steps.

We've been clearing out and beginning to put those baby things into storage.  Casey very sensibly suggested that we put her bouncer in the basement.  You know the one:

Yep, that one.  And the thought of putting it in the basement?

Made me cry!  A lot.  A LOT.  Yes, my baby's babyhood is coming to an end. 

It's mostly okay.  (Mostly.)  Besides that, we have a beautiful, healthy, 11 month old girl to celebrate.

At 11 months, Leah:

- Makes panting noises when you ask her what noise a doggie makes

- Is tantalizingly close to walking

- (FINALLY!) has a tooth beginning to pop through

- Knows all the parts of the face, including ears

- Immitates everything.  She has an amazing "vocabulary" and speaks to us in so many ways, even though she doesn't use words yet.  She knows SO much language, I am continually amazed at what words she recognizes and responds to.

- Recognizes and points to zippers and buttons and thinks she's hillarious

- Sings "ee ei ee ei oh" (or, as she puts it, "yai yai yai yo") after Old McDonald had a farm

- Scrunches up her nose to give her "shy" smile out of the corner of the eye.  That sly look girls have?  Evidently it begins practically at birth.

- Gives hugs and kisses when asked

- Still nurses twice a day - once in the morning and again before bed.

- Eats like a champ and will try absolutely anything we give her

- Naps twice a day - barely.  She began going VERY long periods of time between naps, which we discovered when she started hanging out in her crib for literally hours at a time.  Now, she naps only once at 11 a.m. for several hours, and then sometimes again from 4 or 4:30 to 5.

- Is funny, silly, sweet, snuggley, stubborn, loving, hillarious and our all-around favorite girl in the world. 

I can't wait to celebrate her first BIG milestone and say hello to the next wonderful phase of her life, even if it means that I have to say goodbye to a piece of her babyhood. 

We love you, LeeLee!

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