
Saturday, April 2, 2011

If you give a Pig a Pancake

If you give a pig a pancake...

She will probably spot Mommy's eggs.  Mommy didn't make her eggs, because Mommy made her pancakes. 

Spotting Mommy's eggs will remind her that she likes eggs.

So she will ask for them.

If Mommy gives her the eggs, she will probably eat them all.  

If you give a pig left-over chicken fingers, chopped up into itsy, bitsy pieces just the way she likes to take to the zoo...

She will probably spot Mommy's peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Spotting Mommy's peanut butter and jelly sandwich will remind her that she wants some.

So she will ask for it.

If you give a pig your peanut butter and jelly sandwich,

she will probably eat it all. 

And you will have no lunch. 

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