
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend Roundup

First and foremost, we have to wish a very happy birthday to our resident old guy Jeff, who was the first of our friends to hit the big-30 this weekend! 

We celebrated with an awesome pool party (because nothing says 30 like going to the pool with your bestest buddies).

I have to say, Leah absolutely loved the water.  Not that this was a surprise.  I think she's definitely got the swimming gene.  She even loves to stick her face in the water, that beautiful little weirdo. 

I have to say, there is something very legitimizing about saying, "I'm 30."  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have a few years left before I have to be that legitimate, but 30 seems like genuine adulthood. 

Jeff celebrated his genuine adulthood with the obligatory "being pulled into the pool" routine.

And, of course, with a bunch of other guys in a hot tub. 

And our special little someone got to stay up MUCH passed her bed time.  We tried to bring the pack and play and put her to bed, but she wasn't having any of that.  I didn't really have much hope for it to begin with, but hey, 30th birthdays only happen once.

We also took some time out to enjoy a free day at the Museum of Nature and Science.  I don't know how much Leah actually got out of the exhibits, but it was a great place for her to enjoy running around. 

We ended our lovely but all-too-quick weekend with a little fun on the grill, and topped with a delicious marinade of onions, mushrooms, garlic and those french-fired onion thingies that are so darn yummy.

All in all, a weekend done right!

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