
Friday, September 2, 2011

It's finally fall! (If only it would stay that way)

It was the hottest August on record in Colorado. 

And at the risk of offending our friends who recently moved to Arizona (where it was 116), it was awful.  I felt like my body was melting, Wicked Witch at the end of Wizard of Oz-style.  Yesterday - the first of September - it hit 99 degrees.  Anyone else care to move to Alaska?

Tonight, though, it's a totally different story.  This view from our back yard is priceless, because it feels like fall.  The air has that crispness to it that I always eagerly await come September.  And oh the smell of that fall air.  The promise of so much of what I look forward to throughou the year.  The rustle of leaves whispers, it's coming.  It's there tonight. 

I'll sleep with my window open, snuggled happily under a blanket as the temperature begins to drop.

It makes me 101 shades of tickled (not just pink!).  If it never hit above 70 for the rest of the year, I would be one happy camper.

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