
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mother's love: it's still the same when you're 80.

Today is my mom's birthday.  I am thankful for her for so many reasons I can't even begin to count them. 

Aside from wishing her a happy birthday, though, I came across this message from my Grandma to my mom on her Facebook page (ahhh, technology).  It was such a beautiful expression of motherly love - not to mention, so clearly captures the essence of my grandma! - I had to make sure I have it for the ages. 

"Let me be the first to wish you Happy Birthday and thank you for the patient, caring, thoughtful person you are. And I'm blessed to have that person as my daughter. I could write a book about "our journey" as mother and daughter, all the fun (and sorrow) we've shared, but we'd both just boo-hoo. Did I get that from you, or you from me? This day is about you. May you have a wonderful day. Not everyone is blessed with 2 birthdays--one that I gave you and one you received when you were re-born in Christ. Praise God for his blessings. Why am I up so early? Garage sales start at 6:30, though it's kinda hard to shop in the dark! Have a great day. Your Mom loves you.♥ "

I am so lucky to have those two strong, loving and wise women in my life!  What good examples they have both set for me.

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