
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Llama llama no pajamas

Today, we ventured out to the Stock Show.  This is one of my favorite annual memories from my childhood; I can't say that we actually went every year, but certainly enough that I have very fond memories of sitting in the arena for the rodeo, looking in awe at all the beautiful horses and getting to touch the fluffy sheep.

We got to see a few things: a little bit of the Quarter horse show, some of the fiddle competition, there was a lot of walking around the convention floor.  But by far, the hit of the day was the llamas. 

Especially since one of Leah's favorite books is Llama Llama Red Pajamas.  She was very excited to get to see, touch, and even feed a real life llama!

On our way back to the car, there was this really cool, slightly beat up green wall.  It was the perfect spot to take some pictures...

...but my subject wasn't really in the mood to cooperate, what with it being past her nap time and all. 

It was so much fun to get to carry on this tradition!  There was more than one moment where I had to come to terms with just how surreal it was to be walking into a place that holds so many memories from my childhood as the mommy, with a husband and child to boot. 

Life is pretty great! 

While I don't know if this is something we'll do every single year, it is definitely something I hope to make as much a part of Leah's childhood as it was my own. 

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