
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Big Sisters.

Everyone warns me about what a struggle it will be fore Leah to adjust.  You know, to the whole big sister gig. 

I'm not saying they're wrong.  It's not like either of us have done this before, and there is no denying that she is a momma's girl. 

She is also incredibly sweet, nurturing and empathetic by nature, and ridiculously excited to be a big sister.  She loves Baby Peanut to pieces.  Truly.  She sings to him at night, asks to give my belly kisses and talks about him non-stop.

Granted, he hasn't yet tried to take any of her toys or snag Mommy time when she wants my attention, but still.

Even so, we wanted to help prep her for this big transition. 

The idea came to me like a year ago when we were first trying.  That girl loves books, and she has always learned a TON from them. 

So I created:

Ahhh, bless Shutterfly.  And free deals that allowed me to make this beautiful book for a grand total of $8.  I have to say, it turned out pretty awesome. 

Left to my own devices, I would take pictures of every page and post them.  Since that seems a little excessive, here's a little sneak peak:

Hopefully it will be one of those things that eases her transition into big sister-hood.  I know she'll never really "get" it until he actually gets here, but my prayer for these two little ones is that they will have a special bond right from the start. 

'Cause the truth is, whether she's ready or not, her time as an only child is coming quickly to an end. 

I have every faith that she's going to do beautifully.

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