
Sunday, May 6, 2012


Lovely is...

...Cool breezes and spring rain.
...Freshly mowed grass.
...The nights the little falls asleep without so much as a fuss.
...May birthdays.  All 459 of them.
...Banana bread.
...Three weeks of school.
...Husbands who come home on Thursday.
...Orange tulips in a vase.
...Children's birthday parties and cake pops.
...Chocolate icecream.
...Big Sister singing ItsyBitsy Spider to Baby Peanut before bed.
...Asking to say her prayers.
...Vowing to take more pictures this summer.
..."What are you doin', Mommy?"
...23 weeks pregnant.
...Blanket snuggling weather.
...Reading Harry Potter to a wiggling boy.
...Rocking the little to bed while the littlest bumps against her.  Oh, how it fills me with awe and gratitude.  Dreams are made of such perfect moments. 

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