
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Big fish, small pond

Happy Halloween!

There is no doubt in my mind after this Halloween that we moved to the right neighborhood.

We've always decorated our house for Halloween.  I've written time and time again about how much I loved to hear the kids oooh and aaah as they came up our walk at the old house.  With the exception of jack-o-lanterns, we were basically the only house in the entire neighborhood that was decorated.

Well, the decor in this neighborhood puts ours to shame.  Not only is every third house decorated, but several of them are done with lights, music and effects.  We were the big fish in a small pond, but we've graduated to the big leagues.

Now, it's true: most of our boxes aren't yet unpacked.  We weren't going to try to compete since only the basic necessities can be found, and technically speaking, this shouldn't count.  But somebody caved (spoiler alert: it wasn't me!).

It's nowhere near as good as some of the other homes, but all things considered, I was pretty impressed with his last minute handy-work.

We had a great time trick-or-treating.  We live in a place where everyone knows their neighbors' names, and there were dozens of kids going up and down the streets.  I can't express my excitement that this is the place our kids will spend all their Halloweens!


there's plenty of candy to go around!

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