
Friday, October 19, 2012

Reminders: Day 3 of single parenting

Yup.  Again. 

The same day I got the injunction on action from the doc, my husband came home with glad tidings.

"So... it turns out I actually have a show to do.  In San Antonio.  Tomorrow." I only cried a little.

We've done okay on our own so far.  (See also: it's only day three.)

Then there's that inevitable "but..." In this case, it has to do with poor timing of both meals and bed time, two things which should be carefully tended while single-parenting. 

Fortunately, tonight I came accross a reminder I need (in addition to prayer, grace and forgiveness, that is):

Motherhood isn’t about making my kids make right choices. Motherhood is about me making right choices. Day in and day out. When I feel like it and when I don’t. When it’s hard and when it’s easy.
Motherhood is about changing me…not my children.
The best I can do is to show them what following God looks like, what good choices look like, what love looks like. My job is to invite them to journey alongside me, teach them as much as I can and pray for them constantly.
Ultimately, though, their responses and decisions I must entrust to the grace of God. Unlike a marathon, boot camp or grad school, following all the rules doesn’t mean I get the prize of perfect kids.

What Is the “Prize” for Great Mothers then…?

Our prize then, is Grace. To fully live it, fully embrace it, fully know it, and fully give it.

Love, love love this blog

So I'll keep trying.  When it's hard and when it's easy. 

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