
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sneak peek {and a freebie!}

Happy Thursday, friends!

We are busy with a snotty nosed three year old and a one year old who wants to be held.  All.The.Time.  School has been suspended (better than being suspended from school - can that happen in the home school world?) in favor of lots of TV, naps and that age old, mom-approved fluids, fluids, fluids.  It's extremely glam around here.

I am hard at work on several projects, including our first house-iversary update and TOUR!  Stay tuned, because it's coming next week.  I'm excited to show you all the progress we've made (not to mention all the horrible befores, which make us look reallygood by comparison.  It's like I planned it that way!).  

Also coming next week...

It's October, y'all!  My absolute favorite month of the year.  Without giving too much away, I'll leave you with: We've been doing a little decorating.  I can't tell you any more because it's not 100% finished, but I am loving this project.  I've had the same old boring stuff on my Halloween mantel for the last six years, and it was time for a change.  Cue the dramatic, spooky music and break out the fog machine, because like werewolves on a full moon...'s coming.

Lastly, something I'm over the moon about: It's my first ever FREEBIE!

You guys and your sweet compliments about this printable from our kitchen makeover, you really know how to make a girl blush.

Here's my secret: I made it.  In honor of your encouragement on our crazy journey, and how creative you've made this non-creative, artistically-challenged gal feel, we've decided to share the love.  

Simply click here to download and save.  You should end up with a JPG file which can be printed from your home computer (I took mine to Tarjay and had it printed as an 8x10 photo for the low price of about $2).  Since this is my first ever freebie, please let me know if you're experiencing any trouble with this; we'll work out the kinks as we go.  {Obnoxious necessary legal stuff: images and printables found on these links are intended for the private and noncommercial use of individuals and are not intended to be sold, distributed or recreated.}

If you find a home for my friend the happy camel here, let us know how you use him!  

Have a great day!


  1. Ha! What a great printable! Thanks for sharing with Life Created Tuesdays!
