
Friday, September 26, 2014

A very long stretch

Today begins perhaps the longest stretch of time apart we've had since Casey began this new endeavor.  Between September 26th and December 6th, he will have a total of only 15 or 16 days at home, depending on whether he flies home for Thanksgiving.  Yowza.  

To be fair, he also took the better part of five weeks off with us after Olivia's birth - though to be completely fair, he has never before taken more than one or two days off for the births of our babies, so it was long overdue.  

I'm trying hard to be happy for him, to remain optimistic that being at home for... well, let's just call it the foreseeable future alone with three small children isn't a little intimidating.  

I'm trying to remember that it's a blessing.  I've been praying over his work situation, that he would make progress with new clients and that the Lord would bless him in all he does. 

I'm trying to remember that he is one devoted husband, father and provider, and that being the sole income for a family of five is no easy task.  

But, seriously?  When I think about the ratio of days he'll be gone to the number of days his children will get to see him, I have to shudder a little.  And even more than that, when I think about what he's going to miss from this little lady...

Well, I'm trying not to think about it too much.  It hurts my heart a little.  

So, since she won't look a thing like this by the time he gets home, a little photo montage of our sweet gal.

I love this one.  The world is SO BIG!!!  But look at that head control, miss only four weeks old!

I love this one, too!  Leah never fit into this hat... in the few weeks it took for her head to be stable enough to put this hat on her, she completely outgrew it.

We're gonna miss you, Daddy!!

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