
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weeks 2 & 3

My sweet little lady is going to be a seasoned traveler before she's even two months old.

Partly because - that's right - we are going to HAWAII in October (squeeeaaal!  More on that later).

But also because we had to do something a little less fun, but definitely worth it: we took a little road trip to Idaho to celebrate my grandma's life.  That means, at three weeks old, she has now been to three states: Wyoming, Utah and Idaho.

The trip itself was wonderful.  And horrible.  It was hard to have to really face, in that very final way memorials bring about, that my grandma is no longer with us.  On the other hand, it was so healing and fun to be around family and reminisce and celebrate her life.  I sure miss that lady.

The kids are great travelers, and do an awesome job in the car for all those hours.  And, luckily, generally they're all good sleepers anyway, regardless of where we are...

Another fun highlight of the first two weeks was a quick day trip to Evergreen Lake, where we took a paddle boat out and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.  

Livvy got to go too, though you can't exactly tell!  She's wrapped up in the Moby wrap - inside the life jacket.

She also got to go to the doctor to get pricked and poked and prodded, breaking Mommy's heart.  Third child, and it definitely doesn't get any easier to watch.  She weighed 7 lbs, 13 oz, almost a pound up from her birth weight. Go, baby girl!

She is already an amazing sleeper.  She goes to bed beautifully, sleeps about four hours at a stretch, and would be practically perfect if she didn't like to wake up and hang out from about 4 a.m. to around 5:30.

It's not my favorite time of day, but I do love that little face...

A few other photos from weeks two and three:

I know, super high quality photos.  Camera phones... what can you do?  A few other things worth mentioning from these weeks:
  • She smiled her first deliberate, non-gas related little smile.  At Mommy, so all is right with the world.
  • She rolled over from her back to her tummy.
  • We attended three birthday parties, including Piper and Teddy Vidulich's, Cousin Grey's, and Nora Fries's - though I wasn't so much on camera duty for those.
  • She was held countless times by big sis, and loved on by big bro.  
This kid.  Oh my word, how we love her.  


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