
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Strassner Academy: week 4

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

Week 4 was brought to us by the letter A.  As in: apple!

We made apple stamps and created lots of art.  We made an apple tree out of foot, hand and thumbprints.  We diagrammed the parts of an apple.  

We did a science experiment taste-testing apples (which the kids loved and have subsequently asked to do with pretty much anything they can). 

We did a number recognition/counting review where Logan picked the numbers - in order - off of a "tree." 

Leah learned about Monet, and did a watercolor painting while sitting outside observing nature.  I wish I'd taken a photo of it, it was pretty awesome.  She is memorizing the classifications of living things along with our CC curriculum, so we looked at various types of animal habitats using sensory bins.  

The thing that amazes me the most is the way that Logan has taken to his letters.

Until this point, he has shown very little interest in learning letters.  Leah (and Livvy, now) loved letters from the get-go.  She enjoyed flashcards and pointing out letters she knew everywhere she went.  Logan, on the other hand, is awesome with numbers.  He knows them already, and can even do some very early math all by himself.  Letters, though, have not been his thing.  

It's amazing how, when you wait until they are ready, they just absorb the information.  He has learned every letter we've studied so far with complete ease.  I'm really impressed!  

We played a fun "musical chairs" style letter review, where they marched around until the music turned off and had to say the name or sound of the letter they stopped in front of.  

We baked an apple pie (because... obviously!) and made some apple-scented playdough which we then used to build shapes and letters.

And, although I'm not always perfect about it, I try to give Olivia something to do to occupy her as well. 

This week's activity: 

Water play!

So there we have it: another week in the books!  

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