
Sunday, October 18, 2015

California: Days 4-6

The second big stop while in San Diego was, of course, the San Diego zoo.

One important thing we discovered this day: the zoo is huge!

There were tons of things, not only for them to see, but to touch, learn about and experience.

It was very fun, but also very hot and crowded.  There were definitely a few more melt downs on this day than there had been at Sea World.  Not to mention, the majority of the zoo somehow is up hill.  It's like some sort of magic trick.  You just keep going up, but somehow you also end up back where you started the day. 

But, we did get to see a panda.

And it was adorable!

It was a fun experience, which we left pleasantly exhausted.

The next day, we headed up the coast to Dana Point.  There was very little on the agenda for the next two days.  We had planned in a couple of days of rest, beach and swimming time. Which is exactly what we got!

Our kids are little fish.  They love the water. 

And when the hours in the pool were finally enough, then there was the beach to explore!

The beach was fun, but it didn't afford quite as much swimming as the kids like.  There were other things, though...

Like building sand castles and playing in the surf. 

The littlest one tolerated it, but that was pretty much it. 

When she got to do that barnacle thing she's so good at, it was okay.  

So long as nobody tried to put her down or take her away from mom.

We played a few rounds of "can you outrun the surf?"

I hadn't planned on actually getting in the water, assuming I'd have to tend to and carry the baby.  But at heart, I'm a water baby too, and the lure of the ocean was too much for me.  

I loved playing with the kids!  They were too small to go in, but had a great time running up and down the shoreline.  

Until, of course...

...the great face plant of 2015.

That pretty well ended our beach expedition!

It was Casey's birthday, so we all got dressed up to enjoy a very yummy dinner - and a show!

A neekid bebe show, which is definitely one of my favorite kinds!

Seriously, aren't those buns delicious?!

It just gets better when you add a hat.  

I love that little cute girl!

The next day brought an adventure at Seal Beach outside of Laguna, where we did not see any seals but did spot a pair of dolphins in the wild.

We stopped at Santa Monica Pier for a very fun dinner and ice cream with Casey's family.

It was so great to see them, and we just love watching how much the kids love them!

It seems the feeling is mutual. 

After that, it was off to our hotel to get ready for the big day.  DISNEYLAND!!!!

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