
Friday, March 4, 2016

Spring time and School things

I am always so relieved when March arrives.  There is a palpable sense of hope and warmth that rolls in along with the sunshine.

We always feel it.

The days are passing more quickly for us, but we are loving our more relaxed schedule.  I don't have much that is remarkable to report...

...just the beautiful...

...extraordinary ordinary that is our days.

We're hard at work learning about reading, math, geography, ancient history and Latin.

And playing with dinosaurs.

We learned about types of volcanoes, and even made our own (SO FUN!!!).

It was an active volcano, for the record.  

Which, tragically, wiped out all the dinosaurs. 

To the very great amusement and delight of all.

We love to color.

And to write.  

And sometimes we even love to take a break and get away from it all.

It's a pretty great life.

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