
Wednesday, June 28, 2017


My two big ones are absolutely amazing big siblings.  Leah and Logan simply adore babies, and they have such hearts for nurturing those precious tiny ones that I never once worried about how they would transition to having Luke here. 

But my baby.  My Livvy.  

My little sweet one who herself loves being the baby.  The girl who is still sleeping in her crib.  The one I carried on my hip or in a carrier for literally the first two years of her life.  The one who almost never smiled at anyone but mommy, and cried whenever she was passed to someone else. The one who, when pressed, will still tell you in no uncertain terms that she prefers being a baby to a big girl.

Would she make the transition with the same tenderness and love that her bigger siblings had always done?

Amazingly, the answer has been a resounding yes.

She loves being a big sister.  Each morning when she wakes up, her first question is always the same: can I hold baby Luke?  She is patient, kind and loving, and entirely understanding of how mommy has to devote a lot of time to the baby.

She shushes him when he cries, gives him his paci and is so proud when he smiles at her or holds her hand.  We have told each of our children that when the baby holds their finger, it means he knows they're his big brother or sister.  And she absolutely adores being Luke's big sister!

We are so extremely proud of our babies as they have moved out of the baby phase of life and into the season of being the older sibling.  It is an incredible thing to watch!

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