
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Tee-Ball, and my motherly failings

So, there are some things I have not been able to do for my children, try though I might.

1.  They still can't swim.  Yes, we've had lessons upon lessons, but what they really lack is a mother who has enough spare time - and more importantly, hands - to consistently assist them in the learning process.  Practice, as we say, makes progress.  And some of us have had our hands (or bellies) too full to help them practice very often.  Oooops.

2.  Camping.  We love camping.  Casey and I used to go all the time before there were kids in the picture.  It is something that his travel schedule and all the baby and small people having has made much more difficult than it should be on the surface.  I think we've been camping exactly once in their lives, backyard-style not included.

3. Sports.  Again, please refer to #1.  Having, nursing, caring for etc. babies and toddlers, plus solo-parenting and homeschooling such that the tossing of a ball becomes an act of grand significance.


This summer, Leah has been playing Tee Ball, and she is having sooooooo much fun.

Of course, much of it has involved playing in the dirt.  An act she naturally gravitates to anyway... so there's that. 

We have so appreciated the efforts of the coaches and parents who help out to give the girls a fun first experience with baseball.  

They even had the opportunity to walk on Coors Field at a Rockies game, which was so special.

Of course, Leah's favorite part of the game - besides walking on the field - was hearing and recognizing Beethoven's 5th Symphony as it blared through the stadium, so you can see what biases our family culture has given her.  

We can't swim or toss a ball very well, but the phrase  "Well... we homeschool, so..." has become a favorite explanation following the statement, "How do your kids know that?!"

That's not nothing, right??

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