
Friday, August 4, 2017

A letter to my daughter

My darling precious one,

I never tire of this statement, so I'll utter it again: I cannot believe that we have come to another birthday.

In my heart, you are still my tiny girl.  My little Livvy, who loves to snuggle, who holds my hand every morning when we go down the stairs, who loves being a baby.  You have fought hard this last year to remain little, taking your time with your babyhood in everything from the adorable, lispy way you pronounce your words to the stature of your tiny frame.  You finally grew into your 18 month swimsuit this summer at nearly three.

But then, just as quickly, you grew out of it, which is pretty telling as to the way this is going to go.  No matter how desperately I wish we could hold onto this special time when you are still sweet, little, and mine, you must go forward into that big future that you will get to bravely conquer and subdue.

You still have your cute baby legs and your round tummy.  Your big blue eyes and bigger giggle. Your wispy, baby curls. There are so very many things about you that I treasure.

You love to sing, and turn everything into song.  You are pretty good at throwing a ball.  You play wonderfully with your siblings, and so well by yourself, too.  You can sit and color for literally hours.  It is amazing, actually.  You always want me to play with you, read to you, sing to you or watch whatever you are doing.  I desperately wish life worked in such a way that I could answer YES! each time you ask.

You are sweet and patient, loving and sassy.  You are exactly the girl our family needs.

Thank you, my big girl, for the incredible blessing of being your mother.  For three years of joy and laughter.  You are a wonderful, BIG miracle.

I love you to the moon and back,


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