
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Back to (home)school: week 2

A few important things happened this past week, so as quickly as it began, our homeschool routine was slightly interrupted.

The great part about homeschooling is, you get to roll with whatever life slings at you.  It's really no biggie.

We went to the zoo on Monday to celebrate our oldest son's birthday.  Our local zoo is doing an exhibit that includes dinosaurs, and it's amazing.  The kids had a great time.  Plus... field trip!  Bonus!

Side note: man, oh man... our number two is five!!!!

Seriously, how'd that happen so fast?

 Okay, I digress.  Week two.

Continuing with our Native American unit, this week's reading included:
This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall: How America was Named
Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Shi-Shi-Etko by Nicola Campbell
Book of America: Father Junipero Sera
Paddle to the Sea by Holling C. Holling
Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne
The Burgess Animal Book by Thornton Burgess
Poetry: The Oxford Illustrated Book of American Children's Poems

(By the way... how much do you love my rock star hair?  Homeschool.  There's a lot of coffee, but not a lot of hair brushing.)

Composer: We began our study of Johann Sebastian Bach

Picture Study: The American School by Matthew Pratt (1765)

We read about the symbolism behind many native tribes' jewelry and headdress, and made our own as well: 

We also began our study of virtues with Respect.

And took a nature walk, complete with a little nature journaling.

And, of course, finished the week with some rather emotional goodbyes. 

And a whole 'lotta love.

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