Thursday, August 27, 2009
Sweet and Sour
I am so excited to be leaving the first trimester behind me! True to form, as everyone has said I would, I am feeling better all the time. I hate to complain, because I could have felt as bad as I did AND have horrible morning sickness on top of it. Baby upheld his or her end of the bargain; we had a deal to go easy on mom when it came to the upset tummies, and I definitely had it much easier than I could have in that regard.
That said, though, there is a great deal about the first trimester that I won't miss.
Our weekly routine has pretty much taken shape, looking something like this:
*Our new pregnancy week begins on Wednesday. As we settle in for bed on Wednesday nights, instead of reading to Baby, Casey and I each take turns reading from a pregnancy book.
*Usually he reads aloud from "What to Expect," and I read from the pregnancy journal Kelsey got me.
*We look at how much Baby has grown (an entire half inch this week! In week 10, Baby gained half-again as much as it has previously grown - from one inch to 1 1/2 inches!! That 1/2 inch gained will keep up for a while).
*We look at which interesting food item the book is comparing Baby to this week (week 11: our little LIME!).
*We see what amazing, wonderful and incredible things Baby is up to during the upcoming week, like growing teeth!
*We compare the symptoms I am experiencing to what the book says I can look forward to.
*We chart my weight gain (limited so far) and changes in the proportions of my body (amazingly significant, considering I haven't gained much weight... not sure how to feel about that).
It is an amazing, wonderful and mind-boggling process. I can't believe that Baby gains 1/2 an inch in length every week! And all of the incredible advances in Baby's body as it gets to be less and less like an alien and more like a little person. This week, Baby's hands and feet are not webbed for the first time. WOW! And Baby's gender "bits" - even though we won't be able to see them for QUITE some time - will be in place by the end of the week (well, mostly anyway). That's just amazing. I'm so proud of our little lime!!!
And it is crazy to me to think that I am carrying a little lime. My tummy is firm and definitely more on the round side, but it is so bizarre and wonderful to think that all of that growth reflects the little person that is actually in there! How can something so tiny have such amazingly huge effects on me... and I mean that in ALL senses of the word. WOW is my word of the day, because I am still having some difficulty comprehending the enormousness of this amazing gift. W-O-W!! :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Breaking the news
The girls were SO supportive and wonderful. It is exciting to me to know that this will be an experience that (hopefully) each of us will be able to share with the others. I can't wait to see what the future holds for each of us!! And, I swear everyone - except me - has an "Auntie" so-and-so shirt, but evidently the only ones that show up on camera are the navy blue with white lettering.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
School Days, part II

Hopefully, there will be a few for whom it sticks.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Why sisters are the best
by purchasing me and Baby an absolutely gorgeous new diaper bag! I really like this bag a ton; it's not pink or blue (which is good, because neither is baby at this point), and it's not too schmoopy or baby-ish... it doesn't scream "YOU'RE A MOM!" which I love. It's just a great, functional black bag. Plus, until Baby gets here, it's good for sneaking snacks into the movie theatre...
She also went waaaay above and beyond in her new Auntie role by getting us a baby name book and a pregnancy journal, as well as some aromatherapy bubble bath (one of which is designed to help you when you're "overtired and cranky" - it's like she knows me!!).
The last thing she gave us was the very first book in Baby's library - "I'll Love you Forever." Awww! Kelsey is a wise lady, and she had me open this one last because she knew it would make me cry - which it did!
I can't help but feel extremely lucky. It has been such a crazy, delightful journey already, and we still have such a long way to go. I know that our baby will be surrounded by incredible love from his or her family... we are truly, truly blessed!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
School Days

Although, she kind of ruined my surprise because she actually saw the ultrasound picture first, at which point she got a little emotional, but it was wonderful just the same.
Then, we went on to Casey's parents' house, and I think it is fair to say that they were both pretty excited! There were a few tears... I am so thrilled to have the support of our parents as we embark on this next amazing chapter of our lives.
At any rate, it has been a wonderful, exhausting week, and I am very much looking forward to more of the same.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Telling Casey!
Here is the video of Melissa giving me a very special present on July 8th 2009. We were super excited, as you can see from the last few of Melissa's posts. As you can see from the gift that Melissa gave me, she went above and beyond to make this moment as memorable as possible. I am extremely glad that she had the forethought to setup the video camera and capture this moment on tape so we can always look back and watch it in the future. This is something that we will remember for a long time to come. I could not wait to go and see the doctor to know that everything was good and healthy. It was so cool to see the little pictures on the machine. It made us both extremely happy. I hope you all enjoy the little movie.