Back to School!

is a projector, which hooks up to my computer so I don't have to use an overhead machine.
I absolutely adore all of the technology I get to use! What a turn-around from my classroom at Adams City!
I was extremely lucky, because Casey spent the better part of one day with me, helping me work on getting the classroom in a more "kid friendly" condition. I think we really accomplished something:
Hopefully, there will be a few for whom it sticks.
I was really pleased with how the first week of school went. We had back to school night Thursday, which was fun. At Adams City, I had probably 100 kids and only about 6 parents who showed up. This time around, I had 5 or 6 from each one of my classes. It is really encouraging to have parents and students who are invested in their education!
Although I am completely exhausted (Casey and I ordered in last night and were supposed to watch a movie... except that I fell asleep at about 8:00), it was a great first week. I really enjoy working with my students. 8th grade is definitely a different animal than high school, but it's also really fun.
And I've been feeling pretty good on top of that. As long as I manage my meals by eating every few hours, I still haven't had much nausea. I also came clean to my boss and co-workers, mostly because I wasn't sure what the protocol would be for leaving a classroom of students alone if I had to make a sudden trip to the restroom... Fortunately, though, I haven't had to do that!
Now, if I could just get my energy level back!
The photos of your school are awesome. I can't wait to come and visit.