Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Leah had kind of a rough introduction to major holidays; we went to the doctor today and she wasn't very pleased.
The good news is, she is almost back to her birth weight, which is awesome. The bad news was, she had to have a little blood drawn to run for some one-week tests.
I think she handled the latter much better than her mommy!
Incidentally, today is also her due date. That is SUCH a bizarre thought; that she - and all her cuteness - could still be inside of me! Instead, our lives are vastly different than they were at this time last week, and we couldn't be happier about it.
I have been thinking about that a lot, and it is incredible to imagine life without her. As much as our lives have changed, in many ways it feels like things haven't changed at all. She simply completes our family. It is amazing how easily she fits into our lives and our hearts!
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