
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Leah 2.0

Just because it's almost April and I'm finally getting around to actually posting this doesn't mean it hasn't been in the works for a long time. 

I'm just lazy.  And pregnant.  Extra points are a given for actually getting anything done. 

Yes, our sweet girl is two.  It's very difficult to believe. 

At two...

...Leah isn't really into dress up yet, but adores wearing hats, gloves, necklaces, shoes, and anything else a little unusual that she can put on her body.

...Is fiercely independent.  I can't tell you how many times a day I hear, "No, Leah do it!" or "SELF!"  She wants desperately to be able to dress herself, but (lucky for me) isn't quite there yet.

...Has gotten extremely picky about life.  She does not appreciate it if her food is cut up into bite-sized pieces, and would much rather have something totally unmanageable, like an entire sandwich or piece of pizza.  We sneak-cut her food, because if you do it in front of her, she totally freaks out.  She *might* possibly be a control freak - and I have no idea where she got that.

...On the picky front, she also can't stand to have dirt or hair on her hands.  It's probably her biggest complaint throughout the day.  Mommy!  Come quick!  What's her ailment?  A hair on her finger.  Good thing we have two dogs...

...She is very sweet and polite.  She almost always says please and thank you, and will offer a bless you or excuse ('scuze) me after a sneeze or burp.

...Loves to open and close doors.  She's much better at the closing than the opening, and once even locked herself in her room.  Thank goodness Daddy was around for that one, and the knob has since been changed.

...Her favorite book right up until her birthday was Pinkalicious.  She could honestly recite the entire book - with very, very minimal prompting - from memory.  In the past few weeks, we've gone back to some old favorites like "Are You my Mother?" and "The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear."

...Caillou is still her favorite show.  Actually, it's pretty much the only thing we ever let her watch.  I'm not sure it's a favorite so much as a lack of options.  I am amazed at how much she learns, and she loves it just the same.

...Is an excellent helper, and loves to have something to do that immitates mommy.

...Has gotten away from being a snuggler, and has been known to exclaim, "No, Daddy!  Don't give me kisses!"  On the other hand, the girl loves to be tickled. 

...Loves to sing The Itsy Bitsy Spider, or anything from our music class.

...Still isn't a very social creature.  Even though we've been going to church for a year, and even though mommy works in the room with her, she just isn't comfortable around big groups of people.  She hangs back and does her own thing rather than joining in with the other kids.  She's pretty good one on one, but definitely not in big groups. It's just not her forte.

...Loves to pull the covers up over her head when she goes to bed, and has to have an army of teddies in with her. 

...Hasn't climbed out of her crib.  In fact, she hasn't even tried (much to her mother's delight!).  She loves to play in the crib, and can be up there for hours playing quietly.  Sometimes, loooong after I think she's down for her nap, I'll suddenly hear her talking to herself as she plays. 

...Wears size 4 diapers, size 6 shoes, and 2T clothing. 

...Finally has a full head of hair!  Waahoo!  It is constantly in wild woman mode, and looks completely unkempt three minutes after I brush it.  She also almost has a full set of teeth; she's shy one or two little ones on the sides and one set of molars. 

...Adores anything related to pretend food, shopping or cooking.  Also loves to play with the babies she got for her birthday, and push them in her stroller.  Her babies are always being well tended, and I can count on her to diaper and blanket them.  I can't wait to see how she'll do as a big sister!

...Counts independently to twelve, knows most of her basic colors, the alphabet and recognizes close to half of the written letters.  And the number 8.  Right now, she's into skipping three and four when she counts.  They used to be her favorite - now they're so last yearOne, two, five, six is how things go in our house most days.  Although she does none of these amazing things in front of people, so I may as well be lying.  (Come to think of it... have I mentioned that she can read and do quadratic equations?)

We couldn't be any more blessed by this sweet little person.  Even though this is probably the most difficult she's ever been in her whole life (not saying much, give how darn easy she's been all along), I still think she's awfully easy for a toddler.

Happy belated second birthday to my beautiful little pumpkin.  I can't begin to tell you what a blessing you have been to my life.


  1. oh, I love her smile! she sounds like such a fun toddler, I bet her and Lyla would love to play together. I can't believe she is two! Doesn't time fly?

  2. Melissa, I'm sitting here at my Starbucks office reading my blogs and I just had to say this was a really fun post to read, and so funny. I especially liked the "wild woman" hair and the control freak thing.

    What a cute little girl!
