
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The bunny and the egg

On Easter eve, I discovered the beauty of holiday characters who come in the middle of the night: God bless the Easter Bunny for working his magic only after children fall asleep!  On hearing this information, Leah promptly - and with absolutely zero pushback - curled up and fell asleep.

In the morning while changing her diaper, we discovered a little egg in a shoe, and from there, the magic of Easter was revealed.  Including much candy consumed before breakfast.

We went to an early church service and then Daddy went home to put our breakfast in the oven while Leah and I worked the next service. 

Afternoon activities included a nap, a walk, and watching the new Veggie Tales DVD the Easter Bunny brought.  We learned, through a combination of singing fruits and vegetables, that a thankful heart is a happy heart.  Too, too true.

Dinner was a delicious steak grilled by my oh so talented hubby and strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Leah's third Easter.  Our hearts are very happy, indeed. 

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