On Halloween Eve, we packed up our wonderful little weirdos and headed down to the City of Arvada's trick or treat street. It was pretty cold outside... but mostly, I just have a paralyzing fear that my children might get a little chilly. It's the stuff of my nightmares. First world problems.
Logan decided that he wanted to trick or treat as a fireman, so that's how he rolled.
It was the first year that we've been to this particular event, and it was actually really cool, and pretty packed.
The little one was worn out, and it was bed time, so she was fairly clingy and not as accommodating as she's been on our past outings.
The big ones had a grand old time running from business to business practicing their treat-getting skills.
I think Leah might have OD'd on sugar right before this picture was taken. They love Halloween, those crazy kids of mine.
I have no idea where they get that. Must be the mailman.
For the record, because I tend to forget to document these things:
Here's the way our house is evolving.
Casey also doesn't like Halloween, in case that was in question.
The next day, on Halloween, we had an early party to celebrate. Last year, since Halloween was on a Friday, we invited just our friends from school. This year, since it was on a Saturday, it was a whole crazy mash-up of different people from different parts of our world.
It actually came together pretty nicely. I think the kids had a ton of fun!
I so regret that I didn't take more photos! Everything was really cute and fun, and we had a number of fun activities that I didn't even break out the camera for.
Oh well... moving on...
After a nap, we carved pumpkins, enjoyed our traditional Halloween dinner (broccoli cheese soup and garlic bread) and headed out into the neighborhood.
We met up with some of our friends, and then we were off.
And oh my goodness, our neighborhood is such a great place to trick or treat! It has the most wonderful, old-fashioned vibe to it, with the streets lined with children running door to door, neighbors sitting on their porches handing out candy, and home-made haunted houses.
The kids always have the best time! We often feel lucky to be a part of this neighborhood, but seldom more so than on Halloween. It is such fun!
And, of course, the haul. I'd be remiss if I didn't show you the fruits of their labor.
Because it's pretty awesome, too.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Halloween!
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