
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Honeymoon Highlights, part 2

Love is unselfishly choosing for another's highest good. 
- CS Lewis

I think it's fair to say that if we had taken our honeymoon 7.5 years ago - back before the days of midnight feedings, stinky diapers, kitchen table school and "date nights" that consist of Chinese delivery after the kids are in bed - we wouldn't have so thoroughly enjoyed it.

We wouldn't have waited at the front of the line - literally at the gates as they were opening them - or have discovered that Disney employs a team of people whose entire job it is to carry an "entrance ribbon" through the park at open, walking the crowds back at a leisurely pace. We know this because... well, we were there.  We were the ones those ribbons were designed for, to keep us from all-out sprinting down Main Street and plowing people down in our excitement.

You see, we know now just how important our time together as husband and wife is.  

We understand the pressures that can creep in from all sides, even the ones that are a blessing, and draw our attention, focus, time and energy away from our relationship as the foundation of all that we do.  We understand that the best marriages are polished in the midst of an endless barrage of seemingly insignificant decisions, all of which must add up to grace, service, laughter, respect and intentional, imperfect and unrelenting love.  

From the beginning, God created us to belong together, to provide joy, stability, security, comfort, purpose and love.  Marriage brings that life together.  Marriage is a blessed design; God's idea of how to organize and enrich one another, to build a legacy that is greater than the sum of our individual parts.  

To be a good partner calls upon the all the best that we can possibly be - our wisdom, creativity, perseverance, character, intellect, friendship, selflessness, artistry and simple willingness to do better again, day after day.  

So we were grateful to celebrate. 

To giggle. 

To be together.

Not as newlyweds, but as a couple who, two houses and three kids and nearly 8 years later were happy to declare, "WE STILL DO!!!"

And we always will. 

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