
Friday, April 1, 2016

Easter eggs and snow boots

The Colorado weather hasn't been exactly cooperative as we try to move out of winter and into spring. 

Case and point?  Our lovely neighborhood Easter egg hunt.

Which looked much more like the sleigh rides we did at Christmas than it should!

Despite the cold, we bundled the kids up in their best and heaviest winter gear and hunted for those eggs.

And they were pretty pleased with themselves too!  

It was fun this year that everybody could get in on the action.  

Livvy does not love the cold, but she was quite intrigued by the goings on of the day. 

Plus, it helped that she has something to fall back on when she's tired of walking. 

The two big kids loved posing with the Bunny, despite the fact that we took away the magic last year and let them in on the big secret: it's just a guy in a suit.  It made him much less terrifying!

Although, to be fair, Olivia still wouldn't go near him.

It was a cold, quick egg hunt, but we're always glad for the opportunity to do fun activities like this!  It makes our family traditions and culture so much richer!

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