We have a new car!!!
While camping, though, we added another fun dimension to this disaster: now, when we turn the air on, the control has started to melt because something is malfunctioning inside the panel and making it extremely hot! Delightful! As an extra special bonus, it started to smoke for some unknown reason as we were driving up the mountain. Yeah... that was the day we decided that the time had come to find something different.
Casey's criteria looked more like this: 1) reliable, 2) powerful, 3) potential for off-roading, 4) BIG.
We both agreed that we wanted a Toyota; it nicely meets the first three of both our criteria. I wanted a Rav 4 because of it's fuel efficiency - while still being great to drive in Colorado's dicey winter weather - and I thought that it would be large enough to work for our family in the long-haul. Casey wanted a 4Runner because it is more powerful, bigger, and can definitely get anywhere we could possibly want to go. In the end, though, we test-drove both, and felt a little like Goldielocks in the house of the three bears. The Rav turned out to be waaay too small to accommodate the family we would ultimately like to have. The 4Runner turned out to be a bit more than we actually need. Although it would still be a great car, our awesome Highlander is "just right"... more suited to our needs, and a nice way to meet in the middle. I am thrilled!
I am just thrilled about this purchase. It feels to me like an investment in our future. Casey won't have to worry about having a pregnant wife driving a car which has a tendency to break down randomly. He'll also be able to have confidence in the fact that we won't be stranded on the side of the road somewhere during a snow storm - we'll be able to get where we need to go, including the hospital in the middle of March for delivery. THAT is a big deal!!
Ever time I am in the car, I have such a sense of peace. I can take a deep breath and relax. The new car is a HUGE blessing, and an enormous load off my mind to know that we will be safe, secure, and have the car we need and one that fits our family for years to come!
And Mom can take a deep breath and relax! Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of a new car, for the load off MY mind, for Your generosity and provision. You are unchanging, ever faithful to provide for our needs. You are worthy to be praised. Now, when do we go 4-wheeling?