Where have we been?
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At the ripe old age of 3 months, Leah's list of states visited now includes: Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California!
As a former resident of California himself, Casey still has a fair amount of family in the state. His cousin Charlie graduated on June 16th, so what better time to take our first family road trip?

I was extremely apprehensive about the drive, since Leah's distaste of driving still hasn't let up. To my immense surprise and relief, she did beautifully in the car!

The drive was a simple one, although it took 2 days to complete. From Denver, we took I-70 west through the mountains to Grand Junction; Green River, Utah; St. George, Utah; Mesquite, AZ/NV; Las Vegas, NV; all the way along I-15 to Los Angeles.
I couldn't be more delighted with our first family vacation. Highlights of the trip include:
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At the ripe old age of 3 months, Leah's list of states visited now includes: Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California!
As a former resident of California himself, Casey still has a fair amount of family in the state. His cousin Charlie graduated on June 16th, so what better time to take our first family road trip?
I was extremely apprehensive about the drive, since Leah's distaste of driving still hasn't let up. To my immense surprise and relief, she did beautifully in the car!
The drive was a simple one, although it took 2 days to complete. From Denver, we took I-70 west through the mountains to Grand Junction; Green River, Utah; St. George, Utah; Mesquite, AZ/NV; Las Vegas, NV; all the way along I-15 to Los Angeles.
I couldn't be more delighted with our first family vacation. Highlights of the trip include:
-Getting to meet Casey's grandma for the first time, and showing off her very first great-grandchild-
- My first trip to the Hoover Dam-
-Visiting Santa Monica pier, and Leah's first trip to the ocean-
-Watching Charlie graduate!-

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